Wednesday, 20 August 2014

To market, to market....

I first went to The Finders Keepers markets way back when they were called Hope St Markets and were held in Surry Hills at Sticky bar. They were only a small market then with maybe 20 stalls but there was live music, a bar and a great atmosphere. I could tell these markets were onto something and when applications opened for the following year, I promptly applied. I was rejected. And relieved. I don't think I was really ready for a market stall in the mid 2000's.

I kept going to these markets and every year they grew in size. They moved from Sticky to Paddington Town Hall and then they changed their name to The Finders Keepers and took up residence at the beautiful Carriageworks in Eveleigh. I was still in love with these markets and their stall holders.

Now The Finders Keepers have moved to The Australian Technology Park in Redfern and will be there again in December for the second year. Last year when we went, I was heavily pregnant. In fact, it was my due date but my babe had shown no intentions of moving house so we went to the markets anyway.

After much deliberation, I decided to reapply for a market stall. I'd finally gotten over my previous rejection. I frantically applied very late on the final night in March. I went to bed hoping my application had gone through. It hadn't. Again, it wasn't meant to be.....

Third time lucky, I applied in July for the dangerously busy pre Christmas market in December. This time, I was organised. I took nice photos. I thought carefully about what to write on my form. I went into it with a clear head mostly because my baby was now sleeping a lot better and feeding from me far less. I felt a little bit more in control and a whole lot more positive.

Late one night in August, my phone beeped softly with an incoming email. I knew this was it but I rolled over and tried to sleep some more. It was a lovely surprise in the morning to read I'd been accepted. When I showed my husband, he laughed and said "well, now what are you going to do?". Good question. 

Guess I better start making some more birds......