Monday, 15 November 2010

birds on a blog

Its always exciting when someone writes nice things about you. Nicky from Neck of the Woods, where I sell my birds - wrote a lovely post about handmade things and featured my birds. If you'd like to read it - just click here. Thanks Nicky - Neck of the Woods is tops!

p.s I think there are still a couple of birds in the shop if you're after one! If not - contact me on

Monday, 1 November 2010

Birds in Belle Magazine!

Well, technically they are not IN Belle Magazine - but they are on the back of the magazine!! In Gloss! Very excited.

Can you see them?? On the right hand side, on top of the sideboard. Two little birds! They may also pop up in C mag - Corporate Culture's industry magazine - in this photo and another one. But that won't be until next year

I am interested in see how many enquires I receive after this exposure. After they were in AWW, which was about this time last year actually - all enquires went through Pulp. This time - I am hoping they will come direct to me through Corporate Culture.

Fingers crossed I don't run out of legs....